Specific information for auditors

Main headings: General infoTrainingFilmFAQDocuments

Proven expertise

Auditors are experts in their field who have completed specific training in clinical audits and who are then appointed by the steering committee.

Only those who meet the following criteria can sign up for auditor training (see current dates):

Professional experience: extensive professional experience, including at least two years in Switzerland, in one of the following areas: radiation oncology, PET/CT, interventional cardiology and/or electrophysiology

Most recent professional activity not older than: 5 years in CT, 8 years in cardiology, 10 years in radiation oncology, currently working in nuclear medicine

Doctors: FMH specialist qualification, position of at least senior physician (Oberarzt)
Medical physicists: SGSMP certification or equivalent
Radiographers: degree from university of applied sciences/professional education institution
Nurses/radiographers in cardiology: extensive experience in interventional cardiology and/or electrophysiology


An independent team

A team of auditors is specifically trained for every clinical audit by the scientific secretariat. Not only does this guarantee the independence of each auditor in relation to the facility being audited, it also ensures consistency in the way audits are conducted.

An auditor is considered independent of a facility if they have not worked there during the last five years, and if they do not have any other ties to it (see organisational regulations).

Working as an auditor

Auditors themselves define the maximum number of audits they can carry out per year. It is advisable to carry out at least one a year to maintain skills and expertise.

Auditors also decide in which (national) language(s) they are prepared to carry out audits.

Auditors are compensated for their work (amounts defined by the steering committee). These fees are billed to the audited facility by the scientific secretariat. The FOPH does not add any other charges.

Documents for preparing audits

All the documents relating to the preparation of an audit can be found in the protected Login section. You’ll also find audit plans, checklists, report templates and all the information handed out at the kick-off meeting in November 2019.

All the details on auditor training are also published here: reminder videos, booklets, online coaching dates, etc.

General documents related to the project can be found under Documents.


A team of auditors for one day

A team of auditors usually comprises a doctor, a medical physicist and a radiographer. Together, they visit the provider to be audited and evaluate their working practices. Each auditor focuses on their area of expertise and compares the practices of their peers against recognised standards.

At the end of the audit, which usually takes a day, the team of auditors presents its initial recommendations for improving clinical practice and discusses these with the team of the audited unit. Finally, the auditors prepare their report and send it directly to the provider, which is invited to implement the recommendations.

Detailed FAQs

You’ll find more information aimed at healthcare facilities in these detailed FAQs.

Next auditor training

No training is planned at present.

If you are interested, please email us your CV at clinicalaudits@bag.admin.ch, demonstrating that you meet the criteria above. We’ll contact you when there is an upcoming training course.
